Ezra Learning Portal

Welcome to the Ezra Learning Portal, your go-to resource for flexible and effective Christian online learning that fits your pace. Our high-quality video resources and course-based structure will help you learn more about many different topics and give you a Christian worldview that includes all parts of life and culture.

At the Ezra Institute, we want to spread the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all parts of life and culture. The Ezra Learning Portal is one way we work towards this mission. We want to help give you a Christian perspective on more than just "Christian" topics.

As a subscriber and member of the Ezra Learning Portal, you'll have access to the following things that only subscribers have:

Subscriber-only video and audio resources
Hundreds of hours of comprehensive courses taught by Ezra Institute faculty and Fellows, covering topics such as science, medicine, law, and economics
Publications from Ezra Press, such as ebooks, audiobooks, and articles offering in-depth analysis and commentary on various issues from a Christian worldview. Social forums to connect with instructors and other users, allowing for deeper engagement and discussion
A mobile-friendly app that lets you learn on the go, anytime and anywhere
Quizzes and resources that can be used for small groups and schools, facilitating group learning and discussion
Quizzes and resources for small groups and schools

Watch Mission Of God Lesson One For FREE!

Our Christian online learning platform is unique and is the only place to get systematic training in worldviews. As you delve foundationally and eternally through the courses, you'll earn badges that show off what you've done and learn more about how a Christian worldview affects every part of your life.

Develop your understanding of God’s mission in the world and the task He has given His people to build His Kingdom. Join the Ezra Learning Portal today and start thinking Christianly about everything!

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Here’s what our students are saying about us

Kristin S
Excellent team!

The concepts I learned through the Ezra Online Learning Platform encouraged me to think of my faith as such that it inspires and informs the entirety of my life. The format is flexible and allows for me to learn at my own pace. The lectures are both powerful and practical. I think every Christian has a valuable role to play in God’s Kingdom, and the lessons featured on the platform helped me to recognize that and inspired me to be excited about how I can work to serve Christ through all my endeavours.

Steven M
Excellent team!

The message communicated by the Ezra Institute has absolutely revolutionized my thinking and living. It turned my perspective of reality and my place in it, which had been upside down, right-side up with the correct teaching of the gospel in terms of the kingdom of God.

Lia M
Excellent team!

I have benefitted significantly, and I would commend it to anyone who is looking to increase their knowledge of what a Biblical worldview looks like in practice.

Sarah Jane B
Excellent team!

I love the range and quality of scholars' voices, the breadth of the topics covered (all aspects of life, essentially), the big-hearted encouragement to Christians, and the rejection of all intellectual and pious gush.

Patrick B
Excellent team!

The picture is excellent; lovely lighting, color grading, and set. It's a very pleasant, rich appearance. The audio, which is the most important aspect, was a consistent level and clear to understand as a listener. Dr. Boot had a great balance of an academic, concise tone with some brevity to help a listener understand.

Daniel C
Excellent team!

I want to thank you guys...enjoying the resources that are in there.

James A
Excellent team!

I have been enjoying the learning portal. I am enjoying the content and hope to use it in training our church in the future.

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